
Elder-C Powder from North American Herb & Spice


Powerful, Wild Immune Support

3.0 OZ. (85 grams)


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Powerful, Wild Immune Support

Obtained from the elder tree (Sambucus nigra), elderberries are dark, plum-colored fruit. These berries are accepted therapeutic herbs and have long been used in folk medicines. Their benefits are now being rediscovered by researchers who claim that elderberry juice is highly beneficial for the support of a number of systems in the body. One of the most dramatic benefits is for the immune system. Hemagglutinin protein, found in elderberries, has been shown to support the strength of cells lining the mucous membranes and other cells in the body, thus inhibiting the influenza virus’s ability to replicate.*

The perfect complement to wild Elderol, Elder-C is yet another key whole food elderberry supplement. A super-charged elderberry supplement, it is fortified with wild-source vitamin C from Amazon camu camu. Wild vitamin C works synergistically with the elderberry flavonoids to support a powerful, healthy immune response. The camu camu is harvested wild from the banks of the Peruvian Amazon River, and is more potent than farm-raised alternatives.

Elder-C is also enhanced through the addtion of dried, wild, whole food spice oils, adding an antigen component to the formula. A wild, whole-food source of vitamin C, it makes an exceptionally potent immune support complex. Unlike other supplements, Elder-C is a true, whole elderberry fruit powder, which is never cooked, while other supplements are often heavily heat-treated or contain added sugar. Also, a number of elderberry supplements are standardized, unlike Elder-C, which means they are subject to solvent extraction. Elder-C is exactly as nature intended it to be, utilizing a unique formula to better support the immune system, along with the health of the mucous membranes.

Elder-C powder is the perfect addition to juices or smoothies, providing 150% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.

3.0 OZ. (85 grams)

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