Yacon syrup recipes

Oatbran is a high fiber and low starch breakfast lifesaver. It is easy to fix and especially beneficial for those with heart and circulation issues, diabetes, and constipation. Yacon is a delightful way to sweeten   cereal naturally and gain other benefits as well. Who could believe this handmade raw sweetener from a plant grown in the mountains of Peru would provide inulin, FOS, and minerals with no chemical processing or taste? Inulin helps keep blood sugar stable, FOS stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria, and today almost everyone is deficient in minerals, the spark plugs of the body. Now everyone can enjoy healthy treats that taste so good and then come back for more with no bad effects on the body.



Yummy Oat Bran Breakfast

1 cup water

Pinch sea salt

¼ t. ground cinnamon (optional)

¼ cup oat bran

Place water and sea salt in a small sauce pan. Bring to a boil.  Slowly stir in a stream of oat bran, so that it doesn’t become lumpy. Boil for 2 minutes. Take off heat and place lid on the pan for a minute or two.

Serve cereal in a small bowl with (or without) fruit and nuts, such as blueberries and wild pecans. Drizzle yacon over oat bran, fruit, and nuts to taste. One or more teaspoons of yacon will sweeten nicely with a fruity flavor and no chemical after taste like other sugar substitutes.  Almond milk without carrageenan is a great milk substitute. Also goat milk is delicious with oat bran. This is a filling breakfast and helps keep a body slim and healthy.

Heart Healthy Oat Surprise

The recipe above can be easily altered for a quick, fantastic dessert that is healthy for all ages.

1 recipe of oat bran cereal (see above), cooked and cooled to room temperature

½ cup of whipping cream

2 Tablespoons yacon syrup, or to taste

Chaga Chunks, broken/cut into small pieces

Prepare oat bran as above. Whip ½ cup of organic whipping cream until fluffy. Gently stir in 2 Tablespoons of yacon syrup.  Mix whipped cream and yacon with fruit, nuts, and room temperature oat bran. Place in footed sherbet cups. Sprinkle with bits of Chaga Chunks on top.

Read more on Yacon: Click Here

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